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Managing the impact of human behaviour in the mining industry

Podcast by Michelle Straus

Capacity Modeling

Podcast by Johann van Jaarsveld

Listen to Jannie du Toit's radio broadcasts on RadioWave Namibia.


Are you taking the time to think things through?


Complete the sentence: We are here to ... ?


Do you know that there are business challenges out there that you simply cannot solve? 

People will change

Change is not a democracy

Muddy water

How to get visibility in a pool full of muddy waters 


What is my favourite definition of leadership?

Good Change Poor Leadership

Have you got what it takes to create big change?


How are you going to make things stick?


Do you know what decisions your business wants you to take right now?


Why is culture important?


Why are you not killing your crocodiles?

Change and Doing

You will never change if you do not DO the change

Capacity Modeling

How will you know whether you have enough resources?


What is the one thing your best customers should think of when they think of your organisation?


What are your BHAG's?

Appreciative Inquiry

What is working in your organisation?

4 Triggers to Manage People Better

My 4 secrets to managing people better

3 Insights

3 key insights when I think of all the big projects  have ever been on

Jannie du Toit talks on RadioWave Namibia
Simplexity Consulting
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