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The Johannesburg Stock Exchange (JSE) is embarking on a growth strategy. SimpleXity conducted a Capacity Modelling Project for the Human Resources Function in which the following six areas were included:

  • HR Business Partnering
  • HR Operations
  • Talent Acquisition (Recruitment)
  • Change Management 
  • Organisation Development 
  • Learning and Development

During this process SimpleXity also investigated HR system integration, impacting resource capacity and manual interventions, as well as identifying opportunities for automation and digitisation. 

Malherbe Rust Architects
Dedicated ringfenced change management interventions
Our Projects

SimpleXity is taking this business through the SimpleXity Business Optimisation methodology. 

This methodology has been tried and tested over the past 15 years. 

We are meeting with them on a monthly basis, and we work at their pace.

And slowly but surely, we are helping them to operate on a different level. 

And in their words, it feels as if we have "gone from 1st gear to 4th gear".

Watch this space...

DuToit Group
Dedicated ringfenced change management interventions
Our Projects
SimpleXity is assisting the DuToitGroup, an agriculture investment company, with their strategy. We believe strategy should not be complicated. If we complicate it, it means that we do not understand it. We believe direction is way more important than speed.
Universal Leaf Africa
Dedicated ringfenced change management interventions
Our Projects

SimpleXity helped them with the design and rollout of a customised performance management training project.

This project was delivered across four African countries: South Africa, Malawi, Mozambique as well as Zimbabwe.

Standard Bank
Dedicated ringfenced change management interventions
Our Projects

Project 1: Human Capital Africa Regions Blueprint Project

Details: The human Capital (HC) Function is geographically distributed across 18 Africa Regions countries. The project purpose was to design a blueprint for small, medium and large countries. Group HC processes were used to perform capacity modelling in the pilot countries of Botswana, Mozambique, Nigeria and Kenia. Key focus areas included:

  • Alignment between the Business Lines - , Country - and Human. Capital Strategies
  • Standardisation of HC processes, structures and roles across the different countries
  • Criteria developed for tiers of country 
  • Capacity Modelling to determine the number of Fixed Term Employees (FTEs) required per process
  • Job descriptions developed and graded
  • Implementation and transition plans per country

Project 2: Cash Shared Services Project

Details: The design of the Cash Shared Services Function to provide cash management services to clients.Key focus areas included:

  • Design principles to guide the design
  • Visual Business Model canvas to confirm the value proposition and strategic intent
  • Conceptual Design
  • Business Process Optimisation
  • Cash Shared Services Delivery Model
  • Capacity Modelling
  • Detailed Design Structures
  • Standardised Job Descriptions
  • Job Families and Career Paths

Project 3: Learning & Development OD Project

The design of the Learning & Development Function to deliver optimal services to all Business Lines and Corporate Functions across all countries. Key focus areas included:

  • Design Principles to guide the design
  • Visual Business Model canvas to confirm the value proposition and strategic intent
  • Learning & Development Value Chain
  • Conceptual Design
  • Business Process Optimisation
  • Delivery Model
  • Capacity Modelling to determine the number of resources required
  • L & D Job Family
  • Standardised Job Descriptions
  • Career Paths

Project 4: Organisational Effectiveness OD Project

Providing subject matter expertise to establish and develop the Organisation Effectiveness Function. Key focus areas included:

  • Develop the Standard Bank Competency Library
  • Develop the OD Tools & Templates to be used for all OD projects across the Bank (Project Charter; AS IS Assessment: STAR Model; AS IS assessment: Nine factor Analysis; AS IS Assessment: GAP Analysis)
  • Visual Business Model Canvas
  • Design Principles
  • Conceptual Design
  • Process Mapping
  • Capacity Modelling
  • Detailed Design
  • RACI 
  • Job Impact Assessment

Project 5: Mozambique Operations OD Project

The Operations Function embarked on an end-to-end exercise to align the business processes to the Operations Africa Target Operating Model. Key objectives included:

  • To improve labour productivity
  • To streamline systems and processes
  • To improve service delivery through removal of duplication of tasks, clarity of roles and accountabilities as well as implementation of enhanced systems
  • To ensure overall cost optimisation
  • To ensure fit for purpose structures
  • To ensure headcount optimisation
  • To achieve job grading alignment
  • To ensure well designed customer centric process flows

Standard Bank Offshore
Dedicated ringfenced change management interventions
Our Projects

Project 1: Capacity Modeling

Details: SimpleXity Consulting had the privilege of conducting capacity modelling for one of our key international clients in Isle of Man and Jersey. Johann van Jaarsveld and Tim Koch spent two weeks in the second part of 2023 with the relevant teams to determine the optimal number of resources (Full Time Equivalent – FTE’s) required.

Capacity Modelling is a scientifically-based method for gathering data about what people do, how often they do it, how many times and how long it takes to do it. Many organisations are trapped in the CAR Spiral where there is complexity (C) in the way we execute our work. Complex structures and complex hand-over points between people. The more complexity you have within your organisation the more activities (A). The more activities there are to perform the work the more resources (R) are required. People create more work which leads back to more complexity. Now you are trapped in the CAR spiral of Complexity leading to Activities requiring more Resources. It is critical to break this spiral.

Dedicated ringfenced change management interventions
Our Projects

SimpleXity is assisting TopFruit with their strategy and helps them to position for success in the near future. Yes, we are bringing our magic to the Fruit Industry also! 

Dedicated ringfenced change management interventions
Our Projects

Project Name: Econet Shared Services

Project Description: Designing and implementing a Shared Services for the functions of Econet (a telecommunication company in Zimbabwe)

Dedicated ringfenced change management interventions
Our Projects

Project name: CANI organisation design

Project description: Close collaboration with this biscuit and bakery owner to design a new operating model, determining the resource. requirements, proposing a new organisation structure and proposing a decision-making framework with identified required leadership behaviours and an embedding strategy to sustain the proposed design

Dedicated ringfenced change management interventions
Our Projects
Project : Transition Management from NOVA to BAU.
We are assisting to ensure a smooth transition from this project back to business

Project: Data Management and IT Financial services
We have designed the new organisations for both data and IT financial services inclusive of strategy; capacity modelling; new organisation structures; clear accountabilities and decision making matrices together with aligned Meeting cadences and desired culture

Project: COR3 OD support & optimisation

Project Description: Building new organisational capabilities required to sustain a big ERP implementation. We collaborated closely with identified business owners to develop a new organisation around master data, as well as providing consulting support to build a new category management capability within the Shoprite Group

Project: Foods Buying Optimisation

Project Description: Optimising the Foods Buying organisation by focusing on key promises over the next two years, and identifying and design structures and requirements to realise those promises

Project: Shoprite Group Learning & Development Optimisation

Project Description: Supporting the Group Learning & Development Manager  to design a new operating model for learning & development, inclusive of capacity modelling, detailed reporting structures, clear roles & responsibilities as well as formalised decision-frameworks and meeting cadences

Project Name: Projects Training 

Project Description: Determining resource requirements (FTE) to build an internal project training capability for Shoprite, with a proposed operating model and detailed reporting structure 

Project Name: Project Digital Transformation OD support

Project Description: Providing organisation design consulting support to the Digital Transformation project team

Project Name: Project Fox - Commercial Foods Buying Capability Development

Project Description: Designing and building a new commercial Foods Buying capability in support of the bigger Digital Transformation drive

Project Name: Group OCM (change management) capability development

Project Description: Designing a proposed organisation effectiveness and OCM capability for Shoprite

LDP Professional Services
Dedicated ringfenced change management interventions
Our Projects

Project 1: Facilitation of FWP (flexible work practise) policy and practical implementation through LSI (large scale intervention)

Project 2: Facilitation of large scale intervention with all staff to obtain agreement on the road forward after recent employee survey

Capitec Bank
Dedicated ringfenced change management interventions
Our Projects

Project: Job Architecture

Supporting the business with an enterprise-wide job architecture framework to ensure standardisation of jobs and positions across the business

Project : Remuneration

Provide remuneration support ( training to HR business partners; remuneration consulting support to the Remuneration function

Project: Capitec Human Resources

Design and implementation of a new HR operating model together with detailed capacity modelling (FTE calculation) and detailed reporting structures

Project: Capitec Financial Management

Development and implementation of a shared services capability for this department, inclusive of detailed capacity modelling (FTE calculation) and new reporting structures

Project: Capitec Business Support

Determination of new resource requirements after SAP implementation, with a new operating model and detailed reporting structures

Dedicated ringfenced change management interventions
Our Projects

Project: Capacity Modelling for Sasol Secunda Operations Technical Support

Details: Johann van Jaarsveld, Peter van Hoof and Tim Koch spent time with the relevant teams to determine the optimal number of resources (Full Time Equivalent – FTE’s) required. Specific opportunities were identified for a future ready state. It is critical to determine what should we be doing and how much time should we spend on it? What do the processes cost? Are we willing to pay that much? Or should we stop? Are there specific activities that could be eliminated? Are all activities value-adding activities? Which processes could be automated and what will the impact be on our resources?


Capacity Modelling is a scientifically-based method for gathering data about what people do, how often they do it, how many times and how long it takes to do it. Many organisations are trapped in the CAR Spiral where there is complexity (C) in the way we execute our work. Complex structures and complex hand-over points between people. The more complexity you have within your organisation the more activities (A). The more activities there are to perform the work the more resources (R) are required. And people create more work which leads back to more complexity. Now you are trapped in the CAR spiral of Complexity leading to Activities requiring more Resources. It is critical to break this spiral.

Project Phoenix Sasol Operating Model

Details: Contracted through MAC Consulting, we played a key part in the organisation design of Secunda Chemicals Operations (SCO), merging three operating plants into one organisation.

Sasol Project Global Learning

Details:  Designed & implemented a learning function for Sasol  from a fragmented AS IS to a consolidated, integrated and optimised TO BE organisation

Sasol Project Talentgro

Details: Accountable for the change management delivery of one of the key strategic projects at the time, by fast-tracking key skills and technical competence required to realise the Sasol strategy

Sasol Project Functional Excellence

Details: Representing the Sasol Learning Function on this project

Project STAR (Sasolburg Total Asset Reliability) 

Details: Responsible for the change management strategy development and implementation for this project


Dedicated ringfenced change management interventions
Our Projects

Project Name: Strategy Facilitation 

Project Description: Facilitated the SA Colliery Managers' Association (SACMA) strategy 2020:

  • Strategic Imperatives and Expectations
  • Strategic Analysis
  • Strategic Formulation:
    • Strategic Intent
    • Focus Areas
    • Clarifying definitions & objectives
    • Initiatives/Action Plans
    • Code of Conduct
    • Structure Redefined
  • Strategic Implementation
  • Strategic Communication
    • Stakeholder Engagement Plan
    • Strategy Communication Plan
  • Strategic Governance
  • Budgeting

Dedicated ringfenced change management interventions
Our Projects

Project 1: The Harmony Psychology of Safety Programme

Implementing the Psychology of Safety Programme at all Harmony Operations (mines & plants)


  • Conduct Psychology of safety behavioural assessments
  • Identify the key issues to be addressed from a technical perspective and a people perspective
  • Assess the correlation between leadership, workforce engagement and the impact on safe behaviour 
  • Conduct psychometric assessments for the senior leadership teams at each of the operations (mines & plants)
  • Provide individual and team feedback sessions
  • Complete development plans

Project 2: Risk Propensity Assessments

Assess the decision-making behaviour of Harmony employees, where risky decisions can endanger the lives of other employees


  • Assess risk seeking decision-making behaviour which occurs when an individual is confronted with a risky situation and displays a tendency to overestimate the probability of gain relative to the probability of loss
  • Assess risk averse decision-making behaviour which occurs when an individual is confronted with a risky situation and displays a tendency to overestimate the probability of loss relative to the probability of gain
  • Consolidate the results and provide feedback to key stakeholders
  • Identify key actions to be adressed per operation 

Project 3: Harmony BI (Business Improvement)

Support Harmony with their identified business improvement initiatives for the next three years


  • Provide consulting support ("caddies") per identified manager to provide support and structure in ensuring delivery on the identified business improvement initiatives
  • Balance the delivery between systemic (technical) and humanistic (people)

SA Cities Network
Dedicated ringfenced change management interventions
Our Projects

Project 1: Organisation Design

Provided organisation design projects to the Financial and Corporate Services Division, the Programmes Function, as well as the Governance & Communications Function.


  • Completed the Visual Business Model canvas to formulate the value proposition
  • mapping of key business processes
  • Completed a RACI per process
  • Performed capacity modelling to determine the number of resources (FTE's) required per process and per Function
  • Developed a detailed design structure 

Project 2: Human Capital Policies Reviews

Reviewed and updated the Human capital policies for the South African Cities Network

  • AIDS policy
  • Career Development policy
  • Grievance Policy
  • Internship Policy
  • Remuneration & Reward Policy
  • Disciplinary Policy
  • Smoking Policy
  • Subsistence and Travel  Policy
  • Substance Abuse Policy

Michael & Susan Dell Foundation
Dedicated ringfenced change management interventions
Our Projects

Project 1: Capacity Modelling

Conducted Capacity Modelling for the Dell Young Leaders and Sikelela Scholars Programmes


  • Completed a Visual Business Model for the Dell Young Leaders and Sikelela Scholars Programmes
  • Developed a Value Chain for the Dell Young Leaders and Sikelela Scholars Programmes
  • Conducted interviews with key stakeholders to collate volumetric information
  • Performed statistical analysis and modelling
  • Presented the Capacity Modelling to the Senior Executives
  • Developed a recommended structure based on the Capacity Modelling results
  • Review job descriptions with a view to updating and redefining, where necessary
  • Developed a high level (indicative) Business Case
Siyanda Bakgatla Platinum Mine
Dedicated ringfenced change management interventions
Our Projects

SimpleXity assists Siyanda Bakgatla Platinum Mine (SBPM) with improving their safety performance by carrying out risk propensity workshops. This not only help individuals to better understand decision making behaviour but also creates awareness and improved understanding of vital safety protocols. 

We believe in simple solutions to complex problems!

Dedicated ringfenced change management interventions
Our Projects

Project Name: Libstar Sales organisation design

Project Details: Providing organisation design consulting support for the Sales department of the Libstar Group

Dedicated ringfenced change management interventions
Our Projects

Project 1: Organisation Design Project

Provided subject matter expertise with the design of a fit-for-purpose New Product Development (NPD) Process


  • Review the existing Twinsaver NPD process and associated procedures and templates
  • Developed a revised, simplified process and associated procedures and templates
  • Conducted various process workshops with process executors within Twinsaver
  • Engaged with key stakeholders in the NPD Process
  • Presented the revised NPD process for implementation
Dedicated ringfenced change management interventions
Our Projects

Project Name: Futuremedia organisation design

Project Description: Merging four radio stations into one organisation

Dedicated ringfenced change management interventions
Our Projects

Project 1: Facilitation of Bevcan Nampak Strategy 2016 -2019

Key focus areas was strategic imperatives  and expectations, Strategy Analysis; Strategic Formulation (Strategic Intent, Focus Areas, Clarifying definitions and objectives, Initiatives and Action Plans, Code of Conduct, Structure Redefined); Strategy Implementation; Strategy Communication; Strategy Governance ; Budgeting

Project 2: Leadership Circle Assessments

Conducted Leadership Circle Assessments for the top 70 leaders within BevCan Nampak in South Africa (Rosslyn, Springs and Cape Town), Angola and Nigeria. 


  • The Leadership Circle Assessment Profile dimensions are highly correlated to a measure of leadership effectiveness
  • The Leadership Circle Assessment comprises of 16 key competencies that significantly enhances leadership effectiveness
  • Individual development plans were developed based on the individual feedback

Project 3 Service Quality Assessment

Conducted a service quality assessment for Bevcan Nampak. Conducted one-on-one interviews and focus groups with approximately 50 key clients to obtain qualitative and quantitative feedback on service quality


  • Identified and customised a suitable service quality assessment instrument
  • Identified the key client to be included in the service quality assessment
  • Conducted one-on-one interviews and focus group discussions to obtain feedback on service quality
  • Performed statistical analysis
  • Identified key focus areas and actions to be addressed to improve service quality

Project 4: Leadership Development

Developed the Bevcan Handbook of Success with specific focus on individual, team and organisational development. 


  • Identified the key behavioural, technical and leadership competencies to be a successful leader within Bevcan Nampak
  • Developed behavioural descriptions for each competency in terms of blue sky behaviours vs red flag behaviours
  • Conducted psychometric assessments for approximately 50 high potential candidates, bursary students and unit managers
  • Conducted line manager interviews
  • Provided individual feedback to each candidate
  • Assisted each candidate to complete an individual development plan

Project 5: Bevcan High Performance Culture Booklet

Developed the Bevcan High Performance Culture Booklet which was rolled out throughout Bevcan Nampak organisation in South Africa (Rosslyn, Springs and Cape Town), Angola and Nigeria


  • Message from the Executive
  • The Strategic Context
  • The Bevcan Nampak Strategic Building Blocks
  • Bevcan Nampak Values and Culture Defined
  • The Link between Values and a High Performance Culture
  • The High Performance Culture Indicators defined
  • Graphic Designer assisted to develop a very professional booklet which was printed in Cape Town and handed out to each and every Bevcan Nampak Employee

Dedicated ringfenced change management interventions
Our Projects

Project 1: Facilitation of Educor Strategy 2018 which included:

  • Strategic Imperatives and Expectations
  • Strategic Analysis
  • Strategy Formulation (intent; focus areas; clarifying definitions and objectives, initiatives and action plans, code of conduct, structure redefined)
  • Strategy implementation
  • Strategy communication
  • strategy governance & budgeting
Montagu Foods
Dedicated ringfenced change management interventions
Our Projects

Project Name: Montagu Foods Business Optimisation 

Project Description: Facilitation of Montagy Foods business optimisation strategy & design through workshop with the MD and his direct reports, as well as dedicated workshops with the Operations team

Korn Ferry
Dedicated ringfenced change management interventions
Our Projects

Project 1: Job Description Writing

Providing sub-contracting services to Korn Ferry for writing job descriptions according to the HAY methodology


  • Conduct an interview with the line manager to obtain information to be included in the Job Description
  • Define the Job Purpose and Job Outputs as per the HAY methodology
  • Complete the job descriptions within the agreed timeframe
  • Submit the job descriptions on the eJobDesign system
  • Provide additional information to Korn Ferry for grading
  • Assist with the follow-up once the job description has been graded
SA Natural Products
Dedicated ringfenced change management interventions
Our Projects

Project 1: Facilitation of SA Natural Products strategy 2018 -2019 which included:

  • Strategy imperatives and expectations
  • Strategy analysis
  • Strategy formulation (intent, focus areas, clarifying definitions and objectives, initiatives and action plans, code of conduct, redefining structure)
  • Strategy implementation
  • Strategy communication
  • Strategy governance & budgeting
Dedicated ringfenced change management interventions
Our Projects
Project 1: SimpleXity is supporting Yoco in selecting and operationalising an optimal screening tool and assessment battery for targeted audiences
Simplexity Consulting
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