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Our Services

At SimpleXity, we apply quality/ expert resources for clarity, catalyzing towards insightful change and real value for money supporting business design, building and optimisation across Africa.

Key Considerations

Ask yourself the following questions:

  • Have you got a clear picture in your head what your business should look like 5 years from now?
  • Do you have an established shared mindset and common understanding from your team on this?
  • Is everything that you do in your business aligned to this picture?
  • Are you beginning with the end in mind?

We can help you with landing this in your business.

We believe direction is much more important than speed.

Business Processes
Business Processes

Key considerations

Ask yourself the following questions:

  • Are your business processes aligned to your strategy?
  • Do you understand your Enterprise Process Model or Value Chain?
  • Are your processes visible and do your people know, understand and follow your business processes down to an activity level?
  • Do your organisational resources (i.e. Application Systems; Information/Data, IT & People (i.e. Roles, RACI's, Profiles, Jobs, Positions, Departments and Functions) support your business processes?

We can help you. 

Work Map
Conceptual Work Map

Key considerations

Ask yourself the following questions:

  • What is the purpose of your organisation? 
    • Is it clear?
    • Is it compelling?
    • Is it concise?
    • Is it well understood to the lowest possible level in your organisation?
Can you break down all the work that needs to happen in your organisation into 10 - 15 pieces of work, each one starting with a verb?

Do you have agreement on the top 10 -15 disablers that is distracting your organisation from focusing on your 10 -15 pieces of work?

What are you doing about this?

Let us help you!

Work Effort (FTE) determination
Capacity Modelling

Ask yourself the following questions:

  • Do you know exactly how many resources/full term equivalent (FTE) do you need in your organisation to do what you want them to do?
  • Can you break it down to an granular level to pinpoint exactly your capacity gaps?

We can help you. 

Through a detailed process of capacity modelling, we work closely with your team in identifying per area of work, all the necessary activities, then we link each activity to the correct role player, we workshop duration and frequency and volume of each activity per area of work. We then to a proper statistical analysis on this. When we are finished, you will know on a very granular level your exact resource requirements.

The long road is always the short road. if you do not do proper capacity modelling, you will be "flying in the dark" when it comes to designing your perfect organisation

Business Operating Model
Business Processes

Key considerations

Ask yourself the following questions:

  • Are your business processes aligned to your strategy?
  • Do you understand your Enterprise Process Model or Value Chain?
  • Are your processes visible and do your people know, understand and follow your business processes down to an activity level?
  • Do your organisational resources (i.e. Application Systems; Information/Data, IT & People (i.e. Roles, RACI's, Profiles, Jobs, Positions, Departments and Functions) support your business processes?

We can help you. 

Structure follows process, and process follows strategy

Key considerations

Ask yourself:

  • Is your structure enabling your strategy?
  • Is your structure based on the results of a proper capacity modelling effort or are you "thumb sucking"?
  • Is your structure lean and mean?
  • Does your structure agile, catering for the "eb & flow" of your business cycle, or is it rigid?

Let us help you. We are specialist in structure development.  

Call us

Decision Clarity

Ask yourself:

  • Can you identify the 10-15 key decisions that you need to make in your business on a regular basis, that will bring your business to a standstill if not made, or made incorrectly?
  • For each one of these decisions, have you delegated the "pulling of the trigger"  to the right person?
  • Do they know it?

Let us help you. We know what we are doing.

Establishing a Meeting Cadence

Key considerations

Ask yourself the following questions:

  • Are your meetings in your business linked to your key decisions?
  • Do you have people sitting in meetings that has got no part to play in the eventual decision that needs to be made? What are they doing there?
  • Have you established a meeting cadence or a "rhythm" to ensure that key decisions is made at the right time and the right place with the right people around the table?

We do a lot of work in the space. Call us.

Ways of Working
Leadership Behaviour

Key considerations:

Ask yourself:

  • Do you know the correlation between leadership behaviour and your organisation climate?
  • Do you realise that telling the business owner that their organisation climate "sucks" is pretty much like telling them that their baby is ugly?
  • Does your leadership know exactly what the required leadership behavior is to change your climate?
  • Are they walking the talk, or talking the walk?

You will be "swimming in yogurt" if your climate does not enable and compliment your strategy. 

Let us help you. 

Single Point of Accountability (SPA)

Key considerations

Ask yourself:

  • Does each one of your team members know exactly what only they are accountable for? They cannot "pass the buck" - it is crystal clear to them.
  • Is their effort aligned you where you are taking your business?

Do not confuse movement with progress...

We can help you. Call us

Managing the change
Good change management cannot compensate for poor leadership...

Key considerations:

  • What have you formalised to help your people through the change ahead of them?
  • Is the change happening through your leaders, or to them?
  • Do you realise that communication on a project is like communication in a marriage? Good communication is not necessary an indicator of marriage success. However, bad communication is an absolute indicated of marriage failure. It is exactly the same with projects ..
  • Do you know exactly what is the changes lying ahead even before it happens? Who it will impact? When? What pro-active plans have you got in place to manage those impacts?
  • Are you keeping your finger on the pulse of your key stakeholders? How are you managing them?

Your people is looking at you as their leader to facilitate them through the change. You must be a dealer of hope.

Let us help you. We believe in dedicated ringfenced change management interventions. Thunderstorms is better than misty rain

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Culture eats Strategy for Breakfast

Key considerations

Ask yourself the following questions:

  • Do you realise that your culture will eat your strategy for breakfast alias Drucker?
  • What are you doing to create a culture that is conducive to your strategic direction?

Let us help you. We know how.

Enterprise Architecture 
Enterprise Architecture

Ask yourself the following questions:

  • Do you have fit-for-purpose business processes that deliver on business objectives?
  • Do you have an organisation structure that is aligned to your business processes?
  • Do your organisational resources (i.e. Application Systems; Information / Data, IT and People (i.e. Roles, RACI's, Profiles, Jobs, Positions, Departments & Functions) support your business processes?
  • Is your organisation agile and can it easily adapt to strategic changes through a well defined and maintained enterprise architecture?

Call us!

Leadership is everything!

Key considerations

Ask yourself:

  • Have you got the right leadership to take you to where you want to be?
  • Do they know what they need to change and where they need to "step up"?
  • Do you have a shared mindset and common understanding amongst your leadership about where you are taking your organisation?

Call us. We do extensive work in leadership development, psychometrics and creating a "beating of the drum" from your leaders.

Will and Resources

In your business you only have two levers. The one is resources. That is your money, your infrastructure, your capacity, your processes, your technology and systems. The other lever is your will. The will of your business is the emotional capital - your people.

Will should be your number 1 priority. 

I have seen too many projects in my life where everything has been budgeted for, contracts has been signed, project offices has been created. But then the business will is lacking, and that project usually fails utterly.

Let us help you to ensure that your business's will is sufficiently mobilised so that will becomes much more important than your resources. 

We have seen this movie. Will is everything.

Call us - we know how!

Making it all stick
How to make It stick

Key considerations

Ask yourself:

  • Is your projects in your organisation sticking? Or do you find everything goes back to zero a few months after project closure?
  • How are you making sure that your massive project investment is secure from a sustainability point of view?  
  • What framework do you use to plan and ensure sufficient embedding of initiatives?

We have spent many years on redefining an embedding framework that our clients are using to make their projects stick. You can too. 

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